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baby at airport stroller

Ruckus at the airport when parents leaves their newborn at the check-in desk

Travelling with children can be a challenging experience for many parents. However, ensuring the safety and comfort of your child during air travel should always be a top priority. Recently, a couple made headlines for leaving their ticketless baby at the airport check-in counter to avoid buying a ticket. This reckless and irresponsible behaviour not only puts the child in danger but also jeopardizes the safety of others on the flight.

Reports state that after having a conversation with the airline staff, the parents decided to leave the baby at the check-in desk, as they had to purchase a separate ticket for him at the airport. The airline officials informed the travellers that the infant’s ticket was not free, but the two decided to leave their baby unchecked at the check-in desk upon hearing this fact.

This incident took place at Israel’s Tel Aviv Ben-Gurion Airport.

Reportedly, the couple was travelling to Brussels on Belgian passports when they found that they had to pay extra for the baby’s ticket. The couple was travelling on Ryan Air’s flight, and while booking the tickets on their website, it shows an option to add the infant at just a nominal charge of USD 27, where the infant can travel on the parent’s lap. If you want an extra seat, you must shell out a complete charge for the ticket.

The concerned airline stated that the couple had not purchased an infant’s ticket in advance and as per the airport personnel, they simply left their child in the baby stroller by the desk and proceeded to passport control.

The matter was then taken up by the local police, who arrived at the place. The police later added that the situation was resolved when cops arrived at the scene and stated that there is no requirement for further investigation and that the baby was with the parents.

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