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Safety for Indians Travelling to Paris: What You Need to Know Before You Go

Check out some crucial safety precautions for Indian citizens to ensure a safe and pleasurable vacation to Paris.

Paris is a bustling and cosmopolitan city. It is no surprise that it attracts millions of tourists each year, with its iconic landmarks, world-renowned art galleries, and romantic atmosphere. However, it is crucial to remember that Paris, like any other major city, may be dangerous, and Indian citizens must take the appropriate precautions to protect their safety. Here are some safety tips while vacationing in Paris –

The first step for Indian citizens travelling to Paris is ensuring they have the proper travel documents. To enter France, Indian people must have both a valid passport and a valid Schengen/National visa. It’s also worth noting that visa requirements can differ based on the reason for the visit. Indian citizens visiting France for leisure or business should apply for a Schengen visa, while those visiting for education should apply for a student visa.

Eiffel Tower by the river Seine in Paris, France.

It is critical for Indian citizens to be conscious of their surroundings once they arrive in France. Tourists should avoid carrying large sums of cash or precious objects and avoid walking alone in unfamiliar locations. Pickpockets should also be avoided, and all personal belongings should be kept secure.

Indian citizens should be familiar with local laws and regulations. It’s vital to note that in France, the drinking age is 18 and public intoxication is forbidden. It is also crucial to note that consuming alcohol in public areas and smoking is prohibited in public places.

Indian citizens should be aware of the potential threats of terrorist attacks and be informed of local laws and regulations. While there is a low probability of terrorist strikes in Paris, it is critical to be watchful and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

Finally, Indian citizens should be aware of the dangers that natural calamities might cause. Paris is prone to floods, and it is critical to be mindful of the dangers of severe weather. Indian inhabitants should be informed of the possible threats posed by earthquakes, and an emergency plan should be in place in the event of an earthquake.

Indian citizens can ensure a safe and happy journey to Paris by adhering to these safety measures. Paris, with its iconic landmarks, world-renowned art galleries, and romantic ambience, is a city that will captivate the hearts of all tourists.

A rumour is circulating that if one has a USA visa, then there is no requirement of a Schengen visa, but that is entirely inaccurate. You require a Schengen visa, irrespective of any country’s visa, though having a USA visa expedites the issuance of a Schengen visa.

Keep travelling!

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